Daevien Solflare
"This world is cruel, but I still love you..."
"Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I will protect you."
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Name: Daevien Solflare
Age: 33
Race: Miqo'te
Status: Twice Widowed
Clan: Exiled since youth
Sexuality: Straight / Attracted to femininity
Personality: Reserved
Profession: Many (see hooks)
Body Shape: Tone / Muscular
Alignment: True Neutral
Hobbies: Mechanical / Magitek work
[Physical Presence]
Despite wealth that could afford him the finest luxuries, Daevien cuts a deliberately modest figure. His weathered appearance speaks of countless battles and sleepless nights, with dark circles beneath eyes that harbor an unnatural ceruleum glow—a mark of poisoning most visible in shadow. A tattered greatcoat, secured by well-worn leather harnesses, conceals armor bearing the scars of numerous confrontations.

At his back rests an imposing gunblade of his own creation, its frame housing a sophisticated magitek engine. This masterwork of engineering serves as both weapon and tool, capable of manipulating environmental / personal / and hostile aether through mechanisms known only to its creator. The weapon's complexity hints at the depths of his technical expertise, even as its worn grip speaks to frequent use. There are words carved onto the blade's fuller;
[Cherished Remnants]
Around his neck lies a dusty, worn scarf—a mysterious keepsake from lost days of a person which no longer exists. Though its origins remain shrouded in forgotten encounters, the garment has become a rare source of comfort, never far from his person. Its weathered fabric seems to hold echoes of a warmth he can no longer recall.

[Guardian's Shadow]
In his company often walks a young ward, her own eyes bearing the same ceruleum taint as his. Their shared affliction has forged a parental bond, with Daevien's protective nature manifesting as an impenetrable shield against any threat to her safety. Through her presence, glimpses of his carefully guarded humanity occasionally surface. (I.E, Svarog and Clare)
(OOC: Gun-metal Soul trait - Daevien automatically intercepts and takes double damage from any threat to the child.)
Been playing since ARR Beta, been RPing longer. I will mirror your RP style, but in a public setting I will probably default to 3rd person. Not looking for anything specific currently (though I am open to everything), just wanting to develop his character through mostly in-game means, and while I am open to discord, I tend to forget about it easily through day-to-day activities.Unless I have specific plot stuff going on either with Daevien or your character, he'll most likely be planted in one of a few spots around RP hotspots while I'm alt-tabbed working on personal projects and interests. I work nights and live in the Central timezone, so planning ahead may be required most of the time, sorry!Also a gpose addict.. Feel free to give or ask for advice! (I also do NSFW gposing, but I don't typically post that publicly)
[Tempting Fate]
A conspicuous pouch of gil dangles from his hip, seemingly careless in its placement. Those with keen eyes might notice how deliberately exposed it is—an invitation or a trap, depending on one's perspective. What appears to be an easy mark often proves to be anything but.
OOC: Theft Challenge - Initial /random for advantage (+200 on win, -200 on loss), followed by attempt /random. Winner's roll × 100 in gil OOC reward. Failed attempts may lead to IC consequences.
[Shadow Networks]
Years of walking the razor's edge have earned Daevien connections throughout both Eorzea and the Far East's underground. His web of contacts spans black markets and hidden thoroughfares, making him a valuable—if cautious—ally for those requiring discrete assistance.
[Selective Hunter]
Behind his weathered exterior lies a refined talent for tracking marks across the realm. Yet unlike common bounty hunters, gil rarely motivates his pursuits. His interests lie specifically in those who traffic in contraband and crystals, making each hunt a personal venture rather than a mere transaction.
[Spliced Fates]
You're certain you've glimpsed him before - in a crowded marketplace in rags, or suited in uniform and part of a random group? Maybe in a more casual set of clothes far removed from what you see before you?
Daevien's ears will be certain to perk with intense interest at such claims, his questions precise and relentless. Each detail you share will seem to weigh heavily on his mind, though his reasons remain carefully guarded, for your sake as much as his.
[Magitek Engineer]
A master of magical mechanical engineering, Daevien's expertise was born from necessity rather than choice. His gunblade and personal mount stand as testaments to his craftsmanship, each piece meticulously constructed by his own hands. While gil holds little value to him, he may take interest in examining magitek equipment that presents a unique challenge or learning opportunity. His workshop has become both sanctuary and proving ground, where the precision of machinery offers clarity in an otherwise chaotic world.
(Open to repair/engineering-based RP scenarios involving magitek equipment.)
[Healing Arts]
Genetic issues have left Daevien unable to draw from the lifestream naturally and unable to receive traditional aetheric healing without excruciating consequences. This vulnerability has forged necessary alliances with alchemists and herbalists, whose concoctions keep him battle-ready where conventional medicine fails. For capable potion-crafters, he proves a loyal and generous patron.
[Mercenary's Choice]
Though bounty hunting captures his current interest, Daevien's capabilities extend to various endeavors—from discrete deliveries to monster elimination and protection detail. Money holds little sway; instead, he seeks engagement that piques his interest. Those seeking his services would do well to offer something beyond mere coin. (Not
hard OOCly)
[White Auracite Seeker]
Among his few genuine obsessions lies white auracite—pure, radiant, and impossibly rare. This crystalline substance commands his full attention, and he pursues even the smallest fragment with singular focus, morals be dammed.
[Guardian Shadow]
A pink-haired child often accompanies Daevien, her silent and gentle presence a stark contrast to his hardened demeanor. Her eyes mirror his own ceruleum-touched gaze, though hers burn brighter in the darkness. His protective nature manifests most fiercely in her presence, willing to endure any harm to ensure her safety.
(OOC: Gun-metal Soul trait - Daevien automatically intercepts and takes double damage from any threat to the child.)